
Caroline Welter


  • expected May, 2026
    Ph.D. Economics
    West Virginia University, USA
  • 2023
    Master's Degree (M.A.), Economics
    West Virginia University, USA
  • 2019
    Master's Degree (M.Sc.), Economics
    Western Paraná State University, Brazil
  • 2017
    Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Economics
    Western Paraná State University, Brazil

Fields of Specialization

  • Health Economics, Urban and Regional Economics, and Applied Econometrics.

Publications and R&Rs

  • Welter, C.A., Cypriano, L., and Centuriao, D. (2021). Identification and Analysis of the Evolution of Local Productive Arrangements. Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy, 51 (2): 49-66.
  • Centuriao, D.A.S., Welter, C.A. and Frainer, D.M. (2021). Comparison between cattle complexes. Agricultural Policy Journal 31 (2): 8-21 (in Portuguese).
  • Welter, C.A., Paetzhold, T.P.S., Centuriao, D.A.S., and Schneider, M.B. (2021). The heterodox stabilization plans: main effects for the Brazilian economy in the period from 1985 to 1989. Brazilian Journal of Development, 7 (3): 23814-23836 (in Portuguese).
  • Centuriao, D.A.S., Welter, C.A. and Abrita, M.B. (2020). Business Challenges and Policy Suggestions in the Face of the Covid-19 Pandemic. Economy in Review, 28 (1): 54-65 (in Portuguese).
  • Welter, C.A., Centuriao, D. A.S., Batista, A. M., and Rippel, R. (2020). Economic growth in Western Paraná: an analysis based on regional indicators. Parana Development Journal, 41 (138): 159-176 (in Portuguese).
  • Centuriao, D.A.S., Welter, C.A and Frainer, D.M. (2020). Development of the municipalities in Mato Grosso do Sul: an analysis from a synthetic multidimensional indicator. Brazilian Journal of the Environment, 8 (4): 256-274. (in Portuguese).
  • Gabriel, F.B.A., Centuriao, D.A.S., Welter, C.A. and Silva, G.O.V.P. da, (2020). Governance Structures and Transaction Attributes in the Ribas do Rio Pardo (MS) Agroindustrial Forest Complex. REDES, 25 (2): 762-781 (in Portuguese).
  • Welter, C.A. and Centuriao, D.A.S. (2020). Economic growth in Mato Grosso do Sul: polarization and heterogeneity. GeoFronter 25 (2): 01-23 (in Portuguese).

Relevant Research and Work Experience

  • 2021 - Currently
    Graduate Research Assistant
    Regional Research Institute (RRI), West Virginia University
  • 2019 - 2021
    Research Assistant in Technological Innovation
    Foundation for Supporting the Development of Education, Science and Technology of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul (Fundect), Brazil
  • 2017 - 2020
    Chief of Quality and Research
    Datasight Research and Consulting, Brazil
  • 2017 - 2019
    Graduate Assistant
    Western Paraná State University, Brazil

Awards, Fellowships and Grants

Conferences and Seminars Presentations

  • 62th Annual Meetings Southern Regional Science Association (SRSA), Savannah - GA, USA, 2023.
  • 69th Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International (NARSC), Montreal - Canada, 2022.
  • 61th Annual Meetings Southern Regional Science Association (SRSA), Austin - TX, USA, 2022.

Professional Service

Technical Skills

  • R, Stata, Matlab, EViews, LaTex, Markdown and exposure to Python.
  • Econometrics, Spatial Analysis, Causal Inference.
  • QGIS and GeoDa.